How come one of the vampires is non binary?


How come one of the vampires is non binary?

HeloksHeloks Member 21 Posts
I get that you probably wanted to represent non binary people, but aren't they supposed to be hundreds of years old? The concept of non binary appeared relatively recently and them suddenly being non binary after the concept became more popular and more people identified as non binary this decade makes it look like it was just some trend for them.


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    larrackelllarrackell Member 44 Posts
    Who are you talking about, @Heloks ?
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    HeloksHeloks Member 21 Posts
    @Iarrackell I forgot their name, they are one of the three older vampires you meet in the latest chapters.
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    HeloksHeloks Member 21 Posts
    @Iarrackell it's one thing to not care about gender and another thing to be non binary.
    @LeiaM gender dysphoric people did exist before the concept of being trans existed but you can't say that someone could identify as non binary before the term was invented, maybe have the same feeling as someone who is non binary now but not non binary per se.
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    RustyKnightRustyKnight Member 1 Posts
    Nonbinary and gender nonconformance is not new it is ageless Google a bit about different cultures 
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