I have a theory


I have a theory

badgyalfionbadgyalfion Member 2 Posts
In the last episode our character thinks that the Doc is maybe not the person who killed the mayor but someone else considering the fact that in the newspaper the Doc says that he « poisoned » him and we clearly saw that poison was not the cause of the mayor’s death. I think its fishy and maybe I thaught that Billy did it bc whe are not interacting that much with him in the story and at the beginning he said that he didint like the mayor, that he was strange and he even asked us to follow him to see what kind of things he did. If he know its bc he already followed him no? Maybe I’m thinking too far. Hope not cuz hes saxey. But after I thaught why did the police would say it was poison bc they saw the mayor when he was dead so maybe Mike has to do something with it? Pls tell me what you think. B)


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